Blog, Health articles
Health news and more
10 Tips for Good Quality Sleep, How to get to Sleep and Stay Asleep
Is it really ADHD or just poor sleep? Lack of sleep often mimics ADHD symptoms, which can cause inattentiveness, lack of focus and restlessness in people who don’t have ADHD. Here are some tips and things to get checked to help settle your child and anyone who wants some good quality sleep! Here are some […]
What is Functional Medicine about?
Functional Medicine is totally different to conventional medicine in that we look at the whole person altogether whereas conventional medicine sends you to different departments and specialists for different parts of you! The liaison between departments is often lacking. The other main difference is that we do not put on a bandaid/sticking plaster, we actually […]
What is fluoridating water doing to our health?
Epidemic of ADHD and more caused by Fluoride in water? ADHD is a complex condition with many facets and we know that there are multiple causes but various studies are now linking thyroid conditions (caused by fluoride in water) to the epidemic of ADHD in children that is being seen throughout the United States. The problem is that […]
Are You Worried About Food additives?
AAP are worried about Food Additives. Find out Why! Food additives like salt and vinegar have been used for thousands of years to be able to preserve food for leaner times. Salt was a very precious mineral before the advent of fridges and freezers and at one point was even used as a sort of […]
To Medicate or Not to Medicate Children for ADHD?
Why are Almost No Children in France Medicated for ADHD? Now here is some fascinating information, and what can we learn from this. What ought we to learn from this! “Mass amounts of American children are being diagnosed with a possibly fictitious disease; even worse they are being prescribed addictive and lethal drugs for it. […]
About True Wellness
Empowering those with mental/digestive issues to gain mental clarity[…]
Mediterranean Diet helps ADHD Kids – Studies Reveal All
MEDITERRANEAN DIET HELPS ADHD KIDS- STUDIES REVEAL ALL ADHD is thought to be affecting 1 in 20 children now in United States and 3.4% of children worldwide which has interested researchers in developing studies to examine whether dietary issues might have answers for children with ADHD symptoms and they have had encouraging results, in particular […]
5 Ways To Boost Your Mental Health and Contentedness
Five simple actions and activities you can add to your life to boost your mental health and contentedness
"Gravel in your sandals", and what Anne does
Little tale to demonstrate how Anne works, finding the root cause
Set Up a Micro Habit for Success!
Micro-habit for success, no more resolutions
Zero to Minimal Waste made easy
Easy life modifications to save waste and improve well-being